Torres Del Paine

via The O-Trek

If you are an outdoors enthusiast and love to go hiking then there is a good chance that you have heard of Torres Del Paine National Park. This National Park is Located in Southern Chile, and boasts some of the most amazing landscapes and stunning views on the planet. Torres Del Paine was the first place I stopped on my Around-the-World Dream Tour that I put together for myself in early 2019. I spent 4 Nights and 5 days hiking the famous O-Trek, which makes a large circle inside the park. The Patagonian weather held up its end of the deal, and was extremely wet and windy for a few days. But, that adverse weather made the sunny days that much better. Here are some of my favorite photos from the O-Trek. Hope you enjoy!


The John Muir Trail (JMT)


Petra, Jordan