John Muir Trail

a.ka. The J.M.T.

In the late summer of 2018 I set off to complete the John Muir Trail. Ten years prior my Dad and I had hiked from Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park, so now it was time for me to go back and complete the trek. I started the hike with one of my good friends, and we met up with some more good friends as we got closer to Mammoth Mountain, CA. After spending a night in the town of Mammoth I was on my own as I hiked south towards the lofty summit of Mount Whitney. I retraced some sections of trail that I had been on before while on past trips to the Sierra, and even made some new friends along this remote section of trail. It was an incredible journey in so many ways. Below are some of my favorite images of my South Bound journey on one of America’s most famous trails, The John Muir Trail.


West Coast Bike Tour


Torres Del Paine