Welcome to Adventure Lab
What is Explore Adventure Lab? Explore Adventure Lab is a place for us to share our travel experiences, stories, packing techniques, photos, and much more with you. But, more importantly it’s a place where you can come for help to make your adventure dreams a reality. Let us guide, inspire, assist, and curate your adventure. It does not matter if it might be a local hike, a bike ride near your house, an international trip to a far-flung location, or even perhaps a long distance bike tour. We are here for you.
The company is organic in nature and has grown from the idea of helping others get out and adventure. More importantly it is a place for fellow outdoor enthusiasts to come to gain new knowledge, connect with others, and to get inspiration to explore.
The Explore Adventure Lab logo brought to life by my very good friend Mr. Rob Garwood, who is the owner of Firme in Australia.
Selfie from the Founder of Explore Adventure Lab | Early morning accent up Mount Whitney from Guitar Lake to complete The John Muir Trail | 2018
For years I, Andrew Stout, have been traveling this beautiful planet of ours. I’ve been to over 60+ countries and don’t see my self stopping anytime soon. My trips have varied greatly from: studying abroad, working abroad, backpacking trips, surf trips, snow trips, adventure trips, cultural & educational trips, and some trips just for the sake of going!
Over the years I have had friends, friends of friends, family members, colleagues, and many others reach out to me about what to do and where to go for their own personal trips. Sometimes they just needed that little nudge to get them to go, or where to start even planning, or how to even create an incredible trip. So, after a lot of time and effort Explore Adventure lab is now live, and here to help and serve future adventurers.
I am excited to be starting this new journey. I hope you follow along and enjoy!